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Wednesday August 11th 2010 - A wooded dogging location in N.London.

Master had taken me to North London again.

Master had bought me some new satin panties just for the occasion. He is so pleased with my progress and servitude that he bought me a gift .
As you can see from the pictures of me in the panties , Master wants to make the message loud and clear as to how he wants me treated !


Walking into the woods a solitary male could see that I was there to pleasure and made a b-line for me. Soon I was on my knees sucking his cock BUT he did not want any pictures taken, so , all you have is the pictures below of me consuming Guy1's cum.


Retreating to the bench area, a shy young man had been witnessing my servitude from a distance. Turns out , he had seen Masters posting about me on various internet sites and had decided to come along. He told me that he had NEVER done anything like this before and that he had never had a tgirl pleasure him. He said he did not want any pictures taken but asked if it would be possible for him to use me. Of course, after all he had made all of that effort to come and check me out. I explained to Master the situation and he was very benevolent, as he always is in this situation. He allowed me to go deeper into the woods, alone, with this young man , where I was able to give him some privacy and my full attention.  After  a while though , another guy happened upon us and started wanking right next to us as he watched.  I told the young man that all he had to do was ask the man to go away and I am sure he would (doggers can often be respectful of others wishes , in that sense) The young man said he did not mind and as I continued to blow him , the other man started caressing the young mans chest and tweaking his nipples. It is often mind blowing for to me to know that this is someone’s first ever experience like this. I can only imagine the myriad thoughts going through his mind and the excitement running through his body. He seemed at ease, if a little apprehensive, of being sucked by me whilst a man caressed his body and stroked his balls. I think he loved it though as he was soon shooting gallons of cum down my throat!

After this guy left , the woods were a little quiet so Master decided to got his cock out and he started to feed my throat. This drew a large crowd (of about 10 men) and many got their cocks out and stroked whilst they watched Masters huge cock choke me in my throat. Master ordered me to beckon over the nearest guy who was stroking and then pushed my mouth onto his cock. Picture wise , my next guy was Guy 2.

Guy 2 was a SEXY , horny bear of a man. i took quite a shine to him. i love chunky men who have LOTS of body hair . I am very partial to men who are as hairy as a gorilla and I was in heaven pleasuring this man. I would be honoured to pleasure him as often as he desired in the future , even in private,  if he cares to get in touch again !
Master took pictures and , as is normal , Master made me pose with the cum in my mouth that Guy 2 produced and then again after I had swallowed it.

Guy 3 was a sexy , chocolate coloured man who made the most of grabbing my head and face fucking me. Oh , I do love nasty men !  

I am afraid the next hour was a bit of a blur for me. The group of men who had gathered in the woods took turns in using me for their sexual release. These guys used and worked me over and over and I barely had time to breathe in between pleasuring all the men and their throbbing cocks.

Guy 4 pictures are below with his cum shot and the after shot where I swallowed.

The men came fast and furious and soon Guy 5 was coming down my throat.

Guy 6 had been present almost all night , using me intermittently then standing back to watch others use me. This time though , he decided it was time for himself to cum and so he used my mouth and throat and the pictures below show his cum in my mouth and then the after shot of me , when I had swallowed.

Guy 7 was next in my mouth and was soon shooting the eight load of cum down my throat.

Things stepped up a gear when Guy 8 decided he wanted to use me very thoroughly. He fed me his cock and then decided it was time for me to get a cock in my tight ass . I raised to my feet and bent against a tree for him to be able to fuck my hole to the hilt. Gosh , his solid , throbbing cock filled my ass right up. Along came Guy9 and Master ordered me to suck on his cock , so the two guys were spit roasting me ! When Guy 8 had had enough of fucking I dropped to the floor , almost in exhaustion (remember, I have been pleasuring for over an hour now , 9 guys in a row so far) and proceeded to give Guy 8 and Guy 9 some oral pleasure. Guy 9 was the first to cum and you can see he cum all over my face and, in the pictures, you can see his cum dripping from my nose! Guy 8 soon followed and I drank his creamy , white spunk.

It was time to leave , 10 men pleasured in an hour but , just as I gathered my things to leave another man , Guy 10 stepped into the woods and Master ordered that I was not to leave until this man had also been satisfied. I gave my final service of the night as Guy 10 greedily lapped up the availability of my talented mouth and tongue and shot his load down my throat.


Thank You to all of the men who used me tonight. Thank You for providing me with cum to establish my role as the biggest cum whore in the South East. Master was very pleased with me and hopes that my words and pictures will encourage you to cum and use me.

Remember , just like Guy 1 and the young man who are not pictured you DO NOT have to have your picture taken to use me, so do not let that put you off travelling to meet me outdoors one night when you are in need.



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The owner GIVES permission to ANYONE and EVERYONE to download, view, keep or post them anywhere on the internet or any form of media. The only condition on this is that the pictures must not be altered or cropped in any way and that the watermark must remain intact on each picture.
Go on , TAKE THEM, share them  and post them – I need to get the word out about this rare slut. She needs to be pimped more (for free)  and more cock needs to cum to her.
It is my ambition to someday have a place where she can be kept and chained, a drop-in centre for men , where she feeds on cock all day, EVERY day, 24/7/365.
 If any man has a facility like this in the United Kingdom and can help make it real , please get in touch
... Master Brixtonian