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Men , do you sometimes wish you could just jump in your car , drive some place and get you cock taken care of - no strings ?


Sorry , the mailing list has closed down , as I no longer take the slags dogging.

It is my ambition to someday have a place where slut Tiffany can be kept and chained, a drop-in centre for men , where she feeds on cock all day, EVERY day, 24/7/365. If anyone has such a place, in U.K or abroad, , a home , back room of a shop or business premises etc...please get in touch by emailing




All images on this site are copyright  of
The owner
GIVES permission to ANYONE and EVERYONE to download, view, keep or post them anywhere on the internet or any form of media. The only condition on this is that the pictures must not be altered or cropped in any way and that the watermark must remain intact on each picture.
Go on , TAKE THEM, share them  and post them – I need to get the word out about this rare slut. She needs to be pimped more (for free)  and more cock needs to cum to her.